Going With the Flow: How Yoga Can Transform Your Mindset

Improve your life in just 20 minutes a day

Yoga is a practice for everyone, regardless of age. I can attest to this, having started my journey in my 50's. I can assure you, I’m not out there doing Hot Yoga with my daughter and her friends, nor can I twist myself into a pretzel. But that’s not the point of yoga. It’s about finding your own path and enjoying the journey.

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees.” — B.K.S. Iyengar

If the following benefits interest you, keep reading and I will share some simple ways to get started. You don’t need to spend any money or join any fancy yoga studio. You only need a few minutes a day to reap the benefits of your yoga practice.

  • Improved Focus and Concentration

  • Stress Relief

  • Increased Mobility and Strength

Improved Focus and Concentration

Many yoga practices integrate techniques to sharpen concentration and mental clarity. By making yoga a part of your daily routine, you’ll notice enhanced focus and efficiency in your tasks, not to mention improved decision-making and more meaningful engagement in every aspect of your life. Yoga encourages living in the present moment, enhancing mindfulness and reducing anxiety. The more you do yoga, the more agile you become in blocking out life’s distractions and keeping a focused and positive mindset.

Stress Relief

Practicing yoga helps release physical tension and promotes relaxation. Regular practice lowers cortisol levels, empowering you to manage stress more effectively and boost emotional wellness. In addition, the mindfulness aspect of yoga encourages relaxation and stress reduction, fostering a holistic approach to well-being that positively impacts both our mental and physical health.

Increased Mobility and Strength

As we grow older, maintaining flexibility and strength becomes essential for our overall health and mobility. Yoga significantly helps with this, as it blends stretching with strength-building, enhancing joint health and muscle tone. Consistent practice improves balance and stability, which helps lower the chances of falls and injuries. Furthermore, yoga encourages greater body awareness, enabling smoother and more confident movements in daily activities, fostering a more active lifestyle in our later years.

Getting Started

I got started with yoga during lockdown, like many others. My favorite resource when I got started was Yoga With Adriene on YouTube. She has free videos for all levels of beginners. One thing I loved was that Adriene made yoga simple and easy to follow along for a complete novice like me. She also had short videos with titles like: “Yoga for Back Pain” and “Yoga for Stress and Anxiety”.

If you want to check her out, she has a 30-day beginner challenge for 2025 that you can start at any time. You can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene.

More resources for beginners that worked for me include:

1. **DoYogaWithMe** — This website offers a variety of free yoga videos for all levels. You can filter classes by duration and style, making finding something that suits your schedule and preferences easy. They also have guided meditations and challenges to help you stay motivated. Check it out here: [DoYogaWithMe](https://doyogawithme.com).

2. **Yoga with Tim** — Tim has a fantastic YouTube channel focusing on explicit instruction, especially for beginners. His classes cover various topics, from foundational poses to specific focus areas like flexibility or strength. He also offers a nurturing approach to help you grow your practice at your own pace. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/yogawithtim

3. **Yoga With Kassandra** — Kassandra specializes in Yin Yoga and has many vinyasa flow classes. Her YouTube channel offers everything from short sessions to longer practices, and she often provides modifications for beginners. Her calming presence and clear instructions make her an excellent resource for anyone starting their yoga journey. Find her videos here: https://www.youtube.com/c/YogaWithKassandra

Once you get a few of these classes under your belt, you will gain a better understanding of the different styles of yoga and what suits you best.

Then, you just may want to find some local classes in your community! I have found an amazing community of like-minded individuals and a few classes that I enjoy going to.

In conclusion, yoga is a versatile and enriching practice that can fit into anyone’s life, no matter their starting point. Whether you’re seeking stress relief, improved focus, or mobility, incorporating even a few minutes of yoga has significant benefits. The resources I have mentioned here can guide you as you begin your journey, allowing you to discover the style that resonates with you.

So roll out your mat, take a deep breath, and embark on this fulfilling path toward better health and well-being. Remember, it’s all about enjoying the journey and finding what works best for you.


M.B. Long

Business Owner | Sales Leader | Writer | Grandmother | Wife | Dog Mom.


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